Our Stockdale 5K Run/1K Walk was February 24, 2024.
We had a great turn-out, lots of fun, and AMAZING Raffle Baskets won by our staff, members, students and fans!
Thank you for your support and participation!
This year's event is February 22, 2025, contact us now for sponsorship info!
EventThe Stockdale Stampede 5K is the largest POSSE fundraiser of the year. The funds raised from this event are used to sponsor several senior scholarships as well as help with school site improvements. Please help us continue our branded excellence at Stockdale High by registering for the 5K today! See below for a printable registration form, or click below to register online.
SponsorsThere are many SPONSORSHIP opportunities for you at the Stockdale Stampede 5K. Sponsors will see their organization's logo printed on the event banners and on the 5K t-shirts given out at the race. The emcee will also announce your company name during the event. All donations are tax deductible! See below for a printable sponsor form, or click below to sponsor online with a credit card or PayPal.